Twin engined BSA special featured in the July ‘Automobile’ magazine

This months issue of the Automobile magazine features a seven page article on the recreation of the Wellesley Special, a twin engined machine made of two BSA trike FWD units coupled together to give a four wheel drive racing car. Martin Bell created the recreation of this sporting special which was the brain-child of teenager Richard Wellesley in 1936 / 37 and campaigned in various configurations into the late 1940’s.

The original Wellesley Special has dissapeared, possibly broken up for spares as a modified gear change and steering column that look like those used in the Wellesley  were found in the BSAFWD Club’s spares! But the article describes Martin Bell’s journey to recreate it and campaign it once again.

Its a well written article copiously illustrated with images of both the original special and the recreation. It is well worth a read for a glimpse into early FWD BSA sporting activities and also current efforts at VSCC events.

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National Rally 13/14 July 2024

The National Rally will once again be held at the Rempstone Steam Fair, Wymeswold, Leicestershire, on July 13th and 14th.  Please try to arrive before 10.00am as vehicle movements are restricted after this time. If you have not already entered you are too late but can still attend the fair (£15 per person).

The Club display will be with the motorcycles, as in previous years, and we will have a small gazebo with refreshments. There is no planned convoy or run-out but if there is sufficient interest one could be planned for the Saturday evening.

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New Chat Group Created

A new Chat Group has been created for club members as a first step in having various forums to discuss specific issues. This first Group is the “Hello and Welcome Group” and any club member can join. At the moment discussions are mostly about the structure and functioning of the group facility with the idea of having groups for specific areas such as Trikes, Scouts, V Twin engines, Four Cylinder engines and any other areas. The second priority is to get people to participate, having specific groups only works if we have the knowledgeable club experts on board. So please do visit the group here and join up to help build this club facility.

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