
About Features

Since 1959 our magazine “Front Wheels”, which started off as a quarterly publication, has included many articles and features, after two years it was getting obvious that to keep members informed of events and news a monthly issue was called for. As producing the magazine was a drain on our finances we decided to print and publish it ourselves, the first medium being the “Banda” process, but later on we purchased a hand-turned Roneo machine, and this was used for many years.
The fifty odd years of our magazine has produced many articles that stand out from the rest, some are featured on this page, others appear within the framework of the “Article reprint page”


Mike Scott-Coomber Van

B.S.Ginn, Innovator

The 1912 BSA tourer

The Exeter 2004

EUF 618


The Stanton Special

Number plates

‘thirties artwork


The Emeryson Racing Car

The McEvoy Special

Simon Barringer

The Frank Cope trike

Revilles and Skirrows

Golden Gaydon

The 1990 Holly Run

1962 Derbyshire

Skirrow comes back

More about the Skirrow

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