Committee Members


                                                                The BSA Front Wheel Drive Club Committee Page

The Committee meet regularly in each others houses during the year and have a pre AGM meeting on the morning of the AGM.
For reasons of privacy Committee members do not have their telephone numbers displayed on this website. Please be patient when e-mailing as all of the committee have full-time jobs and might take a little while to reply.
Name Position in Committee Contact details
Peter Bowler President Email here
Peter Cook Chairman Email here
Ray Young General Secretary Email here
Dave Daniel Treasurer Email here
Graham Skillen Registrar and Historian Email here
Ian Pinkney Membership Secretary Email here
Stuart Baylis Events Secretary Email here
John Pedley RWD Secretary Email here
Peter Nicholls Magazine Editor Email here
Jonathan Lines Supplies and Regalia Secretary Email here
Tony Meade Technical Prints Email here
Steve Mansfield (email withheld) New Spares
Simon Barringer Used Spares Email here











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