Magazine Articles Republished

                      B.S.A. Front Wheel Drive Club.

                                       Stories and articles From past issues of our magazine

Our magazine has been in continuous production since the Spring of 1959, and printed by many different methods, ranging from Gestetner, through Banda, Roneo, offset Litho, and now professionaly printed by CPS using a fully computerised system.
One thing that has been consistent is that it has always been edited by a our own Honorary Editor, currently Peter Nicholls, who has guided this publication through many years of developement to it’s present format, which is now able to feature colour pictures on the front and rear pages, as well as good quality ‘photos and drawings within the covers.

October 1962  Climbing Darracott by psb
March 1987 George Robin’s story of pre-war adventures with two trikes
March/April 1965 Frank Cope, the most successful BSA trials driver of all time
December 1995 The Hotchkiss V Twin Engine, important research by Dave Daniel
May 1981 The Exeter Trial 2004 Compiled by psb
July 2004 Racing a BSA at Cadwell Park, By Brian Grindrod
2002 Trials and Tribulations, by Peter.Bowler
May 1989  AA Men, A true story by Ian Pinkney
November 1993 BSAs at Brooklands—and beyond, by Anneke Burger-v.d. Blom
March/June 1985 An interview with Bert Perrigo, a famous trials driver of the ‘thirties
August 1997 Adjustable Spanner, and other tales, by John Lee
2003 The Sprint, A light-hearted look at the Gaydon Sprint of ’69, by P.S.Bowler
February 2000 Twenty-first birthday, 160,000 miles and still going strong— anon
December 1998 True story of a rescued trike— Jonathan Lines
 Not known at present Letter From Peter Geare about his experiences with a BSA three-wheeler during the thirties
 Not known at present Road test, 1929 a historical document with the very first road test of a BSA three-wheeler
March 1997 The BSA 10hp Vtwin RWD Car of 1921 (supplied by Barry Baker)
Not Known at Present Simon Barringer








































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